Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Sitting Right Makes a Difference

"Live in joy, without possessions, like the shining ones."-Buddha

I have never had great posture. Not even good. Slouch would probably describe my general posture. Not that I am lazy, or depressed, or such. I just never gave it much thought. So. . .when I first began to meditate, I was sitting up against the wall, and my back was screaming the entire time. I never thought I would be able to sit like everyone else at meditation, and certainly not like the lamas, monks and nuns I had seen in photos. But, fortunately for me, I had a patient, kind teacher who helped me come away from the wall, and find good posture, so I could sit and enjoy the experience. Not to say feet don't still go to sleep, or back aches here and there, or that there is not the need to check in from time to time during meditation to correct posture, but now sitting, physical sitting, is no longer a torture. His Holiness the 13th Dalai Lama spent considerable time in his Great Prayer Sermon about sitting on the cushion, and he begins with:

The placement of feet. I quote: "In the tantric view, the coarse and subtle karmic energies, which carry the conceptional mind of images and image retainers, must be prevented from flowing into the side channels." Well, I need more study on all of that, but he explains that in the VAJRA posture, folding the right leg on top of the left symbolizes male, when left on top of right is female. To be honest, there are times I have to shift my legs, and maybe you will too. But, I find with continued practice, I can sit for longer and longer periods of time without having to shift at all. It is a process. What matters, I think, is the attitude, and willingness to learn and grow.

Next: Placement of the hands.

Abide in peace and joy, Cynthia

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