Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Faultless Offerings

"Live in joy, in love, even among those who hate."

So, setting out offerings helps to generate positive spiritual energy for your meditation time. Here are some suggestions, but you may certainly go from here:
* 7 bowls of water, which represent: the sensory objects, including our own body, speech, mind and the five senses. It is recommended that the bowls are uniformly filled, symbolizing balanced meditation. (Tomorrow I will relate a most touching story about Lama Drub-khang Rinpoche, who was so poor early on in life that he could not afford the bowls to contain his water offerings).
*A small portion of food, placed in a special bowl (no leftovers, or peelings, etc.)
*Flowers (I love to use flowers from my garden, and through the Winter, I daily used a dried sprig of lavender, which retained its delightful scent the entire season). Wild flowers would also be lovely

As mentioned before, a picture of the Buddha should be included, as well as pictures of any teachers, lamas/gurus whose teachings you study. Once all the objects are carefully and respectfully arranged on your altar, please take a moment to consider them, their beauty, symbolism and significance.

Most important, it is the attitude behind the offerings that matter, not their cost. Lama Drub-khang Rinpoche's story tomorrow.

Abide in peace and joy, Cynthia

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