Friday, April 2, 2010

French Silk Pie!

"Gray hairs do not make a master."

The first of the Four Noble Truths is that life contains suffering. While cleaning our meditation space, His Holiness suggests that we contemplate that the dirt we are sweeping away represent negative karmic seeds and the delusions within ourselves and others. As the dirt is removed, we can think about negative karma fading, and in the place of these inner impurities we can begin to experience the deeper wisdom, inherent in all of us.

As commentary, many a time I had just finished sweeping my meditation space, when our old dog, who shed enough hair to weave a tapestry, would stroll on by (remember, our house is small, and all open with no separate rooms but for the bathroom), and I could actually see the hair slowly, gracefully float to the floor. I would shake my head: more dirt, more karma!

No posts on the weekends, so on Monday I'll go into the second of the Four Noble Truths and how it can be reflected in preparing your space for meditation.


You will need:
1 pie crust (can buy ready made at store, or make yourself)
For filling:
two sticks of butter (one can never have enough butter!)
1 1/2 cups sugar (don't use raw, as unfortunately the texture will not be right)
8 tablespoons cocoa
5 eggs (I get my eggs from my neighbor up the road, so I know the chickens are treated well)

Brown pie crust in 425degree oven.
Cream softened butter, sugar and cocoa for a minimum of 5 minutes! Be patient. It is all the beating that makes the pie silky! Add each egg one at a time, beating for 5 minutes after each. Scape the bowl often, and I sample quite regularly, just to be sure everything is going well! After all the eggs have been added (yes, you are correct: you will have beaten the mixture for a total of 30 minutes, but it is so worth it!), pour into cooled pie crust and refrigerate until set, about 2 hours. You can put whipped cream, chopped nuts or chocolate bits on top, if you want to be fancy. ENJOY!!!!

Abide in peace and joy, Cynthia

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